(1126 words, succubus, girl-next-door, infidelity, dubcon, car sex)
“Didn’t we just hire Sophie last week?” Nate wondered aloud. They were on the way home from Maya’s parents’ house, and after spending god knows how many months in quarantine, he could understand her desire for some grown-up time. No kids allowed. But Nate was starting to feel like the amount of paid babysitter hours they were racking up was becoming a tad excessive.
“She needs the money, apparently,” Maya replied easily. “She’s been sitting for Ron, Derek, and Carlos, too.”
“Aren’t Ron, Derek, and Carlos all sick with the flu or something?” Nate asked. He frowned, his eyebrows drawing together in worry.
“That’s what they were saying on Facebook. Speaking of which, I was thinking about hiring Sophie to come over while we’re working, as well. I’m not sure sending the kids to daycare is the smartest thing to do if there’s a bug going around.”
Neither of them commented on the fact that they’d only just recently gotten used to the idea that they were no longer in danger of catching a potentially deadly respiratory virus. The reminder that with normal life came things like flu season was still a little jarring.
But then again, it wasn’t flu season yet, was it?
“They’re all sure it’s the flu?” Nate asked, glancing over to find his wife typing intently on her phone. “Maya?”
“Hmm?” She looked up, and once she caught a glimpse of Nate’s worried expression, her tone shifted. “It’s nothing serious,” she reassured him. “They all said they were out of commission for a day or two. I just don’t want to deal with sick kids.”
Sophie was a charming young lady who lived in their neighborhood who was perhaps just a bit too helpful at times. She seemed to be everywhere Nate went—the grocery store, the elementary school bake sale, even synagogue from time to time, even though Nate was pretty sure she wasn’t actually Jewish. Nate didn’t think of himself as the type to be unfaithful, but he’d felt compelled to admit to Maya on more than one occasion that he found the thought…tempting, to say the least. She’d laughed it off, of course, and it evidently hadn’t impacted Maya’s decision to hire Sophie at every opportunity to babysit their two kids.
Nate mostly tried to ignore Sophie when she was around, but sometimes that was easier said than done.
“Hey, Mr. Lewin,” Sophie said as Nate walked through the front door after his and Maya’s dinner date that night. She was lounging on their sectional, her feet propped up on the armrest and crossed at the ankle. She was wearing very short shorts, and Nate forced himself to look away quickly. “Mrs. Lewin.”
“You can call us by our first names, Sophie,” Maya chided as she followed Nate inside. She grabbed his hand as the door swung shut behind her, and when Nate turned around, he found himself face to face with a pleading expression he knew he wouldn’t be able to say no to. “I’m exhausted, hon, do you mind taking Sophie back home?”
Nate’s mouth went dry. It was an unspoken agreement that Maya be the one to drive Sophie home. Nate didn’t think he could handle being in close quarters with the girl for that long.
But despite all that, he found himself nodding without a word of protest. “Sure,” he told Maya. “You ready to go?” he asked Sophie.
“Yep!” Sophie leapt to her feet in an instant and grabbed her bag from the coffee table. She gladly accepted the wad of bills that Maya offered her on her way out the door. “Thanks,” she said sweetly. “Let me know if you need any more help with the girls.”
Nate didn’t wait to hear his wife’s response. He headed straight for the car and climbed back into the driver’s seat, carefully resting his head against the steering wheel as he waited for Sophie to join him.
The drive across town was painfully silent, with only the soft hum of the radio acting as a mediator for the tension between the two of them. When Sophie finally spoke up, the sound of her voice was almost enough to knock the wind out of Nate.
“Can we pull over up here?” Sophie asked in a gentle tone.
Nate looked over at her in surprise. “Are you okay?” he asked, even as he was already moving to the gravel on the side of the road. He put on the parking brake and his hazards as he waited for a response.
He didn’t get one. Before Nate knew what was happening, Sophie was in his lap, all five feet and three inches of her squirming on top of him as she tried to pin his hands to his sides.
“What are you doing?” Nate demanded.
Sophie stared down at him with heavy-lidded eyes. “Relax,” she whispered, the scent of her breath sweet and a little heady.
Nate suddenly felt as though his body wasn’t his own. He watched from behind his eyes as Sophie carefully unbuttoned his jeans, pulling his cock out and getting him hard with barely any effort at all.
“You know,” Sophie told him as she slowly worked his cock over with one hand. “I usually make the others forget. And I never let them touch me. But I like you.” With her other hand, she undid the button on her shorts before grabbing one of Nate’s hands, sliding it down past the waistband of her panties until he couldn’t feel anything but the searing heat of her pussy.
Nate’s fingers curled into her of their own accord; Sophie let out a loud moan that pierced through the haze of Nate’s lethargy, startling him back into his own body again.
“What did you do to me?” he demanded even as he continued to plunge his fingers into her again and again in tandem with the motion of her hand around his cock.
“Nothing you didn’t want,” Sophie said easily. “Are you about to come?”
Nate didn’t get a chance to answer before Sophie was practically folding herself in half to get her mouth around the head of his cock as he ejaculated with a shout. She swallowed all of it, looking like the cat who ate the canary when she straightened back up again.
“Thanks for dinner,” she said cryptically as she climbed back into her seat. “A greasy breakfast should help you bounce back. It’s just like a hangover really. I don’t know why the others complained so much.”
Nate blinked a few times, staring blankly out into the darkness as Sophie tucked him back into his jeans. “What do I tell Maya?” he wondered.
Sophie chuckled. “Whatever you think she’ll believe, I guess.”